Sin Nombre: The Journey to Greener Pastures

America is a melting pot. More importantly, people view it as the land of greener pastures where opportunities abound. America is viewed as the place where people can make something of themselves, where they can live a better and more comfortable life. As such, people from various countries find all ways and means possible to reach the United States of America, even if it means entering the country by illegal means.

The film “Sin Nombre” provides clear evidence of the struggles that immigrants undergo to reach the United States. It chronicles the sacrifices and troubles that immigrants, specifically Mexicans, go through to step in to America and start a whole new life. Immigrants encounter various problems beginning with entry and ending with the establishment of their new life in the country. In “Sin Nombre” viewers are given insight into what these struggles are.

The film documents the journey of immigrants and shows the problems and struggles that they encounter at the various stages of the journey. The first struggle along the journey that viewers are introduced to is the reliance on illegal means to reach the United States. Sayra and her family must ride and hide on trains travelling to the United States. This is a struggle on its own because travelling in such manner presents its own risks. One of such risks is the danger that robber and criminal elements would take advantage of their plight. This was clearly document in the film as Sayra and her family had to deal with Lil’ Mago, Casper, and their gang. Not only are they robbed of whatever money and personal belongings they brought along to help them start their new life in America, the criminal elements even attempt to rape Sayra. Due to the fact that they are travelling illegally on the train, the immigrants do not have the safety, security, and comfort that come with legal travel. However, they all take it in stride since they believe that the rewards that await them in America are worth all the risks and danger. The risks and danger of the immigrants’ journey is further documented by the scenes were the immigrants had to jump off the train and to hide or run from immigration officers. These events all put their lives in danger but they are still willing to take on such risks.

The danger and risks of Sayra and her family’s journey does not end with merely stepping foot in America. Living illegally in a country possesses its own risks as well. For one, although Sayra lives with her relatives, she cannot function or live a life like a legal immigrant. She is not entitled to the same benefits and privileges. She cannot work legally which has its own share of dangers and downsides as well. However for Sayra and many other illegal immigrants currently living in the United States, the benefits and comforts of a life in America far outweigh the risks and dangers of living in the country illegally. The opportunities of America are worth every risk, danger, and sacrifice that they face every day.

The lives of illegal immigrants are far more complicated than their legal counterparts. The film “Sin Nombre” clearly documents the problems and risks associated with illegal immigration. Separation from one’s family, the uncertainty of the journey, and the risk of dealing with criminal elements are some of the problems that beset illegal immigrants. However, these issues do not seem to dissuade illegal immigrants for just like Sayra’s uncle, many of them still make numerous attempts to reach the promised land, the land of greener pastures, the United States of America.


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