The contact between the indigenous people of the Americas

The contact between the indigenous people of the Americas started way back in 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered these new lands. Before this period there were minimal contacts between the two groups as this land was not known to the Europeans. This led to the wrong impression that Christopher Columbus discovered the American land yet there were people who were already occupying the area. This contact increased during the colonization of the region by the Europeans. (Marder, W. 2005)The 16th century presents an important period as far as the contact between the two groups is concerned. In this paper I will discuss the contacts between the indigenous people of the Americans with the Europeans highlighting the positive and negative influence this had on the people in this region.

The contact between the indigenous people and the Europeans in the Americans brought two groups of people who were totally different in so many ways. The two groups of people perceived the world in different ways and had cultures which were worlds apart. The Europeans could not understand how the indigenous could have so much wealth and yet remain unexploited. They did not comprehend their perception of ownership of land. To the Europeans land was a symbol of wealth and power but to the indigenous it was a community property which was for the benefit of all members. They took from the land what was important at any particular time while leaving the rest and taking good care of it. The misunderstandings between the two groups brought a lot of conflicts between them .The Europeans were more industrialized than the local people and had advanced means to coerce the locals to give away their resources. The dominant European culture forced the indigenous people to change in so many aspects. (Marder, W. 2005)

The contact between the Europeans and the indigenous people in the Americans had considerable influence on the two groups. This influence was both positively and negatively. The early sixteenth century saw the number of Europeans rise in America. It is estimated that more than two hundred thousands Europeans entered this region inspired by the Spanish wealth from its colonies. When these people came to America their first activity was to exploit the vast resources which were found in this area. This led to displacement of the indigenous people. They Europeans had superior weapons than the local people therefore they were able to move them easily with minimal resistance. The locals lost their lands and were moved to areas which were deemed to be unproductive. This disrupted their ways of life as they could not continue with some of activities which were part and parcel of their daily lives. These activities included hunting and gathering in the vast lands which covered most parts of the region. (Crystal, D 2002)

The indigenous people were forced to adopt the Europeans ways of life following the dominations of their areas by the foreigners. They adopted their language and culture; this involved modifying their modes of dressing adopting the Europeans clothes, changing their livelihood, feeding habits among other aspects of their culture. There was an introduction of new crops to the region making the indigenous people to take up the new farming methods which guaranteed increased food production. (Gray, A 1987)
The Europeans not only introduced new crops and clothes, they also brought with them sophisticated weapons which were very effective in hunting. Introduction of guns into the region revolutionized the hunting industry in the area.Indingenous people initially used the less effective tools such as arrows and spears to hunt for meat but with coming of the guns they were able to increase their production. Introduction of these tools enhanced hunting as well as increasing the warfare activities in this region. With the newly acquired tools for fighting the warfare in the region increased and the fatalities increased too. Alcohol was not common in the region, Europeans introduced this drink to the locals who did not know how to use it in moderation; this caused a lot of problems with this group of people as some of them became alcohol addicts. (Marder, W. 2005)

The notable effect of the contact between the two cultures was the decline in population of the indigenous population. There are several factors which have been attributed to this trend with scholars pointing out at increased warfare and introduction of new diseases as the leading causes. The indigenous people were not prone to the some of the diseases which were considered European. (Kent, R 2006) That is these diseases were not common in the region. The locals had not built up enough immunity to be in a position to resist some of the attacks. The Europeans had built good immunity for these killer diseases which have at one time in the history of Europe wiped a huge population. These killer diseases were introduced intentionally to these populations due to the contact between the two groups. One of the killer diseases was the small pox which led to so many deaths such that the entire population of the indigenous people was threatened. The disease alone was responsible for the reduction of the indigenous population from twenty million at the time when the contact between the two groups heightened to less than eight million in the mid sixteenth century. (Jaimes, A 1992) Other diseases include measles, diphtheria and diarrhoea.They equally posed a similar problem for the local population. Some quarters have argued that these diseases were deliberately introduced by the Europeans as a means through which the indigenous population would be reduced so as to ease the process of colonization. This theory has been refuted with the explanation that the locals could not withstand the diseases due to lack of immunity whereas the Europeans only carried the disease causing organism but could not be attacked as they had developed some levels of immunity.

The contact between the two groups changed the way of life for the indigenous people. The changes impacted positively and negatively for these people. This interaction further led to colonization of the region completely changing the face of the Americans.


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