Jose de San Martin The Forgotten Hero of the Latin American Independence

Freedom is the best thing a human being expects even at the cost of basic amenities. An independent nation only can procure to its citizens that right in a proper manner. Most of them took violent means and some even took non-violent means under some great potential leaders to achieve freedom. Among those great leaders San Martin and Bolivar are the best known freedom fighters of South America. Both of these leaders exhibited lot of temperament in and stood on one point leaving their personal opinions and fought for the cause.

South America was under three Viceroyalties during the first decade of 19th century including The New Granada, The Peru and La Plata. Spain maintained the policy of mercantile and political control. Trade between Europe and South America and major political posts were totally under the control of Spanish people limiting the South American intellectual to the minor political and administrative posts. Revolutions in France and North America in 18th century ignited new ideas provoking American-born Spaniards or Criollos to take some proactive steps towards liberalization. Replacement of Spanish king by Napoleon in 1808 and entry of Spain into Napoleonic Wars as an ally of Britain opened new roles to juntas (governing committees) which were mostly under the hands of influential South Americans. During the reinstatement of the Spanish King Ferdinand in 1814, American has witnessed four years of war between Royalists and Republican factions. There was strong determination of retaining power for Spanish the war of Independence were prolonged until 1826 with the assistance of the British-trained Spanish veterans who fought for the Royalists.

San Martin and Bolivar
For Republicans cause, two men with enough potential to handle the situations came into the picture named Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. Bolivar served Napoleonic France and San Martin in Spain served Napoleons forces in Europe came to a conclusion that this is the right time for a rebellion in South American colonies as Spains attention was elsewhere.

There is a still conflict going on between the point that, who is greater among Bolivar and San Martin between southern historians and northern historians. Southern historians say the denial of San Martins reinforcements by Bolivar, which he needed, forced his abdication. Northern historians, say San Martin compromised because Bolivar was having more ability to win the war at that point of time with more army personnel than him.

Their family background
Both these revolutionary heroes were born in America, earlier one in rich family and other in official cadre family. San Martin was born in Cervatos de la Cueza, to Lieutenant Governor Juan de San Martin y Gmez in 1728. Bolivar was born in Caracas, Venezuela. His family was having huge property with large number of mines. He used his financial status to promote him and also spent huge sum of money to the revolutionary efforts.

Their career start ups
San Martin served for 22 years as a professional soldier for North America and Spain. He was into recruiting and training troops, surveying passes into Chile, collecting armaments and supplies, gathering information regarding enemy preparations and disseminating wrong information and there by misguiding them. With lot of strategic planning he crossed Andes along with 4,000 troops and 1,000 support personal, fought four prominent battles. San Martin started his military career under Spanish forces. Bolivar was trained in military school Milicias de Veraguas. Bolivar worked under Santo Domingo governor during 1550 to 1570.

Influence on Boliver
Bolivar was influenced by the writings of Voltaire and Rousseau, those who inspired French Revolution under the guidance of his uncle Simon Rodriguez. His uncle was expelled by the Spanish authorities, for the propagating against it. He was so fascinated by the intellectual knowledge and progress of Europe, which forced him to go to Europe. He found justification in the revolt for the independence influenced by Rousseaus Social Contract.

     San Marin had good number of collaborators including Simon Bolivar, Juan Gregorio de Las Heras, Bernardo OHiggins, Martin Miguel de Guemes  and Guillermo Brown.

Roles in Revolution
Bolivar was made Lieutenant Colonel, even though he is not having military training and participated in an assault on Spanish stronghold of Valencia. Bolivar was made in charge of important republican port, Puerto Cabello and due to a traitor there was a heavy loss and he fled to New Granada.
Lot of powerful manifestos was written and started championing a political system in 1812. In order to improvise his tactics he learnt European techniques and read number of books about the geographical conditions of South America.  He believed that once Venezuela is liberated then it will provide a road map to free all states.  The tactical thinking and his action in small attacks fetched the post of commander-in-chief of the entire New Granadian Army.

When Spanish government focused on Bolivar, his right hand Antonio defeated Spanish troops. In 1821, a federation was formed including Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador, with Bolivar as president to it.

San Martin trained troops for three years to attack Chile. Independence movement in Argentina started only after San Martins arrival. OHiggins and Thomas Cochrane assisted San Martin for independence of Peru. Due to huge number of independent troops, the opposition allowed San Martin to allow and take over Peru which became independent in 1821.

Historical meeting
This meeting has a historical importance, soon after that San Martin left all his positions and went back to Argentina and later to France. In the meeting of Guayaquil, San Martin came to an opinion that, Bolivar had more troops and there was no space for both of them in Peru. San Martin is person with out personal ambition promptly withdrew and allowed Bolivar to go ahead to liberate Peru. San Martin was person who looks at the reality and was too cautious as well. He also admitted that he has a poor head for politics.

Meeting between both personalities helped them to have a better understanding of them as well as the progress of the movement and the roles to be taken by them. After the meeting Bolivar said two greatest men in South America the general San Martin and myself, where as San Martin said  the prompt conclusion of the war, the organization of the different Republic of the continent and the health of the Liberator of Colombia, referring to Bolivar.

The real question raised in the meeting was, who should lead the army and who should conclude the South American Independence. The first favourite is obviously San Martin, who cleared Lima of royalist forces, made efforts to organize Peruvian Government and having enough knowledge on the Spanish army tactics in Peru. But this was not accepted by Bolivar, who wants to command the army in the final war. The other question raised is about the post war government formation and its type. San Martin favoured monarchy and Bolivar wanted democratic republican from. But in the end Peru was interested in the monarchy only (Crow 1980).

San Martin realized that in course of momentous meeting with Bolivar, he self-sacrificed and stepped down his office and left to France. He was at his highest glory when he withdrew from the position.

Their achievements
Simon Bolivar participated actively in the rebuilding and administering of collapsed states. He was at apex position when congress of Latin America republics was assembled in Panama in 1826. Bolivar played a prominent role in liberating Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia and Peru and became national hero of all these nations. He is also recognized as El Liberator and the George Washington of South America.

San Martin was instrumental in getting independence to Chile, Argentina and Peru. During the time of exile Bolivar wrote book on Spanish-American history, the Carta de Jamaica. He lead the victory of war in Spanish American Independence with is military and political knowledge (Janson 2010).  Regency of Rio de la Plata was liberated by General San Martin and also assisted General OHiggins in liberating Chile helping in the battles of Maipo and Chacabuco.

In the word of (Luis Clavarino ) states that it was not the General Simon Bolivar who gave liberty to Peru and he added Peru owes its independence to the Argentine General Jose de San Martin, who freed the Argentine Republic, Chile and the Republic of Uruguay. Most of the historians have not accepted the opinion of Mr. Clavarino and said that Mr. Clavarino did not read the total history of Peru, rather gone through only the early part when San Martin tired to extend the military services across his native country. This was done only at time when the Independence of Peru was assured after the battles of Junin and Ayacucho. They won the battles under the liberator, Bolivar with his strategic planning and with the assistance of Ecuadorians, Colombians, Venezuelans and Peruivan veterans who defeated the Viceroy La Serna and General Canterac. This ended the strong hold overseas Spanish domination. Without San Martin, we cannot think of freedom of Peru at that time (Lopez 1921).

Opinion on type of governments
The gross difference of thought between Bolivar and San Martin is about the form of government, where earlier believes in republicanism and later one in monarchy. 

San Martin declared himself as protector of Peru, facing lot many internal and external problems with the army and the general public in the process of persuading them for better and stable Peru.  San Martin stressed for ideal constitutions that fit the need of the country and Bolivar along his followers forced for republics (Franco 1994). Bolivar was against easygoingness on crime and was on an opinion it contributed to the fall of the First Republic.

Their dream
The approach of Bolivar was littler bit wider than San Martin due to his impracticable and dangerous degree. Bolivar dreamed of a single South American federation right from Panama to Cape Horn. His dream was little difficult due to vast cultural and climatic difference among the northern and equatorial regions. Bolivers dream of creating an American Revolution-style federation was not come true due to individual interests and particular interests of different regions. To overcome all these disturbances he proclaimed himself as a dictator through the Organic Decree of Dictatorship. This measure was taken to save the republic, but it was taken negatively by his opponents. Even unsuccessful assassination attempt was also made.

Lautaro lodge was created by San Martin, whose aim was to set free South America of the Spanish yoke. He was so determined and self-sacrificed his own positions to Bolivar to make his dream come true.

Role on slavery
There were difference of opinion among the Bolivar and San Martin on the question of who are the slaves, slave owners and relative concentration and economic importance. Slaves in north were mostly working in slaves, where as in south they were into house hold works and artisans. San Martin got support from the slave owners and accepted the slaves to be soldiers, whereas Bolivar got resistance from the slave owners and he himself was not truly interested in taking slaves as soldiers on loan basis and later it was inevitable to take them. Bolivar set free the slaves in the excitement of the independence movement. This had a major impact on abolition of slavery all over the Western Hemisphere subsequently.

As a whole, slave contribution was immense to the independence of South America and took one more generation to get rid of slavery until it is abolished despite the promise that the slaves who participated will get freedom.

Rise and Fall
San Martin was modest and unselfish man. San Martin is recognized as Father of the Fatherland by Argentina, Founder of the Freedom of Peru, Founder of the Freedom of the Freedom of Peru, Founding of the Republic and Generalissimo of Weapons by Peru and Chile with his army rank of Captain General. After the meeting San Martin went exile and died in August 17th, 1850.
In, 1822, the secret meeting between San Martin and Bolivar in Guayaquil, was a historic incident that paved way to achieve magnificent glory to him, who liberty to Peru and leading to the establishment of Bolivia. He continued to fight for the freedom of South American Republics. He was conferred with the title of Protector of Peruvian Freedom for his efforts to liberate Peru partially and took the task of liberating fully from the Spain. At the Congress of Upper Peru, in 1825, the Republic of Bolivia was created and even Venezuelan currency, Venezuelan Bolivar is under his name which is a very rare opportunity to any individual. Even the constitution was influenced by his thought process and with the Greek and Roman philosophy.  Bolivar left for exile in 1830, and died in Colombia, and buried there itself, because its native Venezuela hasnt allowed him. By the end of his life his was totally degraded and lost the glory he received.

Among the three heroes of American wars of liberation, San Martin is a person of democratic, liberal attitude. He is person with ability to think big and a genius for organization. Recent trend of Simon Bolivar cult, promoted by Hugo Chavezs petrodollars, the other prominent fratricidal war leader through which Spains domination over American continent was broken was overshadowed. Still San Martin is recognized as the liberator of Chile and Argentina. According to Mr. Lynch, San Martins achievements were dissimilar to that of Bolivar, but not inferior in totality. Despite of countless efforts made by San Martin, he was not given enough importance compared with his achievement and now stood as a forgotten hero of the Latin American Independence.


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