Thesis questions

What tool did the Mexican American use in fronting for the rights and how effective did the tool serve them

What mandate did the Industrial Foundation use to change the economic status of the Mexican Americans

Do what extend was there difficulties for the Mexican Americans to play any important role in their own development

Do what extend was did the Mexican Americans segregate the non Mexican Americans from their activities social and political activities

After attainment of freedom by the Mexican Americans how effective did they use the freedom and to what extend did they practice some democracy.

As is in most liberalization prospects, the Mexican Americans used political movement as a tool to front for their social, economic and political liberalization. The Mexican Americans formed the industrial area foundation which was used as a tool for liberation. To the very extend of its attainment of economic and political freedom lies the measure of the success.

The industrial area foundation used the resources within the disposal of the Mexican Americans to remove them from the doldrums of poverty, the basis on which the Industrial Area Foundation laid foundation was so strong and with such a target that could not miss support, unless they changed the founding strategy mobilizing resources for the low income Mexican Americans. The Industrial Area Foundation was so true to their objectives and remained within its confines. The role the Industrial Area Foundation played in the lives of the Mexican American was astoundingly visible from afar. Industrial Area Foundation used the very limited resources within its disposal and empowered the poor than the elite could accept. The outfit oversaw the attainment of the job creation, reforms in education, healthcare and a housing that was affordable to all (Benjamin Marquez Pp 65).

While there were a number of obstacles from without the Mexican American community, particular segregation, the Industrial Area Foundation created an investment fund that late transformed the lives of many. Their believe in the counter productivity of racism remained true to them and their believe was that both the poor and the rich had common interests. Democracy was highly upheld. Within this mandate they chose one of their own who was in charge of their decision making and was entrusted with all the resources at the disposal of the community. However these sources of embodiment were not allowed to embrace doctrines that were segregative in orientation. In this rare democracy there was real flow of power from below upwards.

In pursuit of their cardinal objects, the Mexican Americans came face to face with the general change of political tact by their own. After leaders were chosen, they started exhibiting trait that they themselves had wanted to wit out. Leaders wanted to ignore the non Mexican Americans. This was a real challenge to the fight for freedom of the Mexican American. For ultimately, there need to have stood their ground to the very last bit.


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