Research Proposal

For my research, Id like to study the Landless Workers Movement (MST) of Brazil and how this group has impacted the land reforms and agriculture policies in the country.  I looked at the website of this organization and found that the group, as of May 27th, 2010, is switching its goal toward sustainable farming and agriculture. Due to this change, my propose thesis is In light of the MSTs future goals and past campaigns, a new struggle for more sustainable agriculture will not meet the same success as they have met in the past.
I would start by providing a brief historical overview of the group why they started, what their original goals were, why this group is significant for study as opposed to other groups in Brazil or cases in other countries. The new goal of sustainable agriculture differs from the previous goals of the MST, meaning that new strategies for activism need to be formed. This group has been very successful in the past with its previous goal of securing farmland for its members. I wonder about the odds of continuing this success and how the group will pursue this new goal.

Also, the group has over 1.5 million members. I would like to investigate what these goal changes would mean for the members who joined to help to achieve the original goals. Theres no guarantee that these new goals will be popular with such a large member base, especially since many of these members already have the land they sought. Will this cause members to leave, the group to break a part, or maybe grow as the new goal could attract a different member base

I would then conclude with a quick summarization of my main points and then offer final thoughts on the issue and the future of MST.


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